Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mentor Mom Panel

Can you believe that we're already mid-way through this session?

We still have lots more to come so I hope that you are feeling encouraged, refreshed, and inspired in some way. I don't know about you but our mornings always seem to fly by way too fast- especially on a day like Mentor Mom Panel day. I'm so glad that the panel will be back next session for two weeks straight. I already have more questions! In fact, I better write them down before I forget.

The thing I love about our mentor moms is that they'd be the first to tell you that didn't do everything right and that they made mistakes. In other words, they are not sitting at our tables because they were perfect or raised perfect kids. In many ways, we are learning from their mistakes and gaining wisdom from the things they did right. The overwhelming theme that resonates with all of them is that motherhood/parenting requires a daily relationship with the Lord. We must learn to take everything to Him. The One who already knows our struggles, our problems, our strengths and our weaknesses. The One who gives us grace, tenderness, wisdom, energy, and the encouragement to carry on another day, for our children and for Him.

I hope that you heard at least one thing yesterday that you connected with. Here are 8 things that stood out for me...

1. Play with your kids more! I am that mom who does too much housekeeping and not enough playing with my girls. I often feel like I'm Martha in the bible and I so want to be her sister, Mary!

2. God delights in ME! He is not keeping score of all the times I screwed up as a mom.

3. We don't need to ask our kids permission. Therefore, when we tell them something, do not end the sentence with, "Okay?" When giving instruction or correction to our kids, our words should be a statement, not a question.

4. Get rid of the mom guilt that is permeating our society. As women, we often compare ourselves to other women and other moms. We are all uniquely and wonderfully made (and so are our kids)!

5. We cannot fix everything in our child's life. We need to accept that. As parents we have the responsibility to teach them how to process life's struggles, fears, disappointments, anger, sadness, etc. Teach them to pray to God about everything and encourage them to communicate with you always. The best way to do this would be by example! Let your kids see you pray out loud about all kinds of things.

6. Loving our husbands well, gives our children a sense of security.

7. A reward system using charts or special privileges can be a fun way to encourage your child's participation and promote taking initiative.

8. Keep your word!

"Pour out your hearts like water before the face of the LORD; lift up your hands toward him for the life of your children."
~Lamentations 2:19

So what about you? What was your main take-away from yesterday?



The Letter 'W' said...

I really liked point number one that you mentioned. I have really been working on letting housework go a bit to spend more time playing with Teagan. He loves when I play with him so it is worth a little dust.

Becky said...

I also enjoyed the point about enjoying your kids. I hate having my husband coming home to a dirty house in fear he will think I did nothing all day. We all know this is NOT TRUE. I need to make sure I am enjoying the time I have and not taking it for granted because I will never get it back!

Hailey said...

Donna always encourages me when she tells us to love our children and husbands well. That always reminds me to step-it-up!