Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall Session: Day 1!

What an amazing 1st day of Mom2Mom! We have well over 100 registered women, and more to come! If you weren't able to make it on Wednesday, we are looking forward to welcoming you next week! M2M has seen some great changes this year. Lots of new leadership, ideas and a HUGE desire to serve YOU. Debbi has done an amazing job all summer, planning, brain storming and preparing.

M2M's new look....don't you love the new colors?
Kameron, our Special Events Coordinator, will always liven things up. Stay tuned for future Mom's Night Out events!
Shannon, our Kid2Kid coordinator, had many things to remind us of...."No green boogies or fevers allowed!" Rest assured that your children are downstairs, being loved and enjoying their morning just as much as you are enjoying yours :)
We filled the room!! "Getting To Know You" has never been so much fun!
In case you did not receive a newsletter, here it is.

I'd like to encourage each of you Moms to take a peek at the study we passed out for the week. The theme for this week is "Love". Doing it isn't required, but we can all benefit from it!

At the end of the morning, M2M Leadership Team, Small Group Leaders and the Mentor Moms shared our "cardboard testimonies". It's our hope that through that, you will all see that we are human, we've made mistakes, we've lived through trials, and that we are just like you. Feel free to contact M2M leadership should you have any needs, questions, concerns or feedback. We're here to serve you, and will be praying for you all week!

Many Blessings,

M2M Publicity


Unknown said...

I was in awe all morning and still can't get over what God is going to do in that room this session! So excited for the new year in this ministry!! Great job recapping the morning Katie!

Danielle said...

I miss you ladies! Looks like you had a wonderful 1st day. LOVE the new colors!

Genny said...

What an awesome first day!! The pictures are beautiful katie!