Hi Ladies! Please forgive my lack of posting lately....my family and business responsibilities have just about swallowed me up :)
A few weeks ago Pastor and Mrs H came to share with us about Discipline in the Heart of the Family. It's always such a pleasure to have them at Mom2Mom! Their love for one another and for their children is contagious.
Pastor and Mrs H had some great advice for us Moms...
Always remember that there is a difference between discipline and punishment. We should be disciplining our children out of love. Discipline is training, guiding and loving.
Here are a few keys to disciplining your children....
*be realistic, and don't throw out empty threats
*be immediate, don't count
*be consistent, remember that discipline takes time
*be adjustable, the ages and phases of your children will constantly change, and so should your form of discipline
*Husband and Wife always need to be on the same team. The kids will feel the safest when they know that Mom and Dad and OK, so always put effort into your relationship with your spouse.
Keep in mind that discipline is an ongoing challenge, and it's OK if you're not perfect. Be creative, and try to see what works for you and your children. Always remember to discipline your kids out of love, and to train them in a Godly way.
Thanks Pastor and Mrs H!!