Our guest speaker, Michelle
Rendino shared on the topic of God and sex this morning. She asked the question, "Do you view sex as a chore?" My guess is that unfortunately, most of us busy and tired moms would say
yes to that question,
at least sometime in our marriage. Michelle provided plenty of biblical backing that makes it clear:
sex is a gift that God gave to married couples. It's not only a physical and emotional experience, it is also a spiritual experience that connects husband and wife together, making us one. Two basic things that stood out this morning:
1. Are we making sex a priority in our marriage? And if not, what is keeping us from doing so? We can pray to God about it and ask for His help.
2. As moms, we sometimes forget the order of submission and priority. In Ephesians, Paul reminds us of our priorities: God, husband, and then children. We must obey God in everything He asks of us and making love with our husbands is one of those things!
Like many of you, I enjoyed the lively conversations at my table afterwards. I appreciated the candor and the honesty that was shared. It was fun to hear from our mentor moms as well. For some, sex in your marriage may come easier than it does for others. One thing I think we can all agree on is the fact that this morning's talk helped us to view sex as an important and integral part of a healthy marriage. And knowing that truth, helps us all to appreciate and love on our husbands a little more. What a perfect little message, just in time for Valentine's Day. :)
God is love and He wants us to experience love to the fullest with our husbands, in the sanctity of marriage. Whatever plans you have or don't have for Valentine's Day, please remember that you are His beloved. You are His Valentine and He adores you.